.Hello guys.
.its been a while sudakan tidak update my bloggy ne.
.Besala kalo campus life start suda.
.Busy jak memanjang.
.Last week i went to PD.
.For my Church Camp.
.I loike it very damn much.
.it was so fun and memorable.
.we are so much having fun with each others.
.i gain new experience from the seniors.
.Tapi memang bestla.
.Tepi laut tuh.
.Camp tuh 3 days.
.So we do many things like sharing and sing along.
.lepas tu.
.ada barbecue d beach.
.that was so splendid.
.kmi makan ramai2 d beach tuh.
.duduk d pasir dalm bulatan.
.tepi tuh air laut suda.
.makan2 sambil cerita2 and ketawa2 ne.
.Best wo.
.Part yang paling best yang Mandi laut.
.I tell u la.
.Laut semenanjung ne 2 kali ganda masin dar laut Sabah oh.
.Gila la.
.Tapi view dia cantek jugala.
.We snap snap snap lagik.
.Fuh mantapla.
.Happening ne POrt Dickson.
.Second Time suda sy pg PD ne.
.The first time Pg camp juga.
.Tepi laut juga.
.Okla now enjoy the photos we snap snap snap ar.
.and especially for.
woit! giler best...
wah best
WSB dpasir tu y tinggi nilai seninya tu..ekekeke
bukan kosong : kan..best sgt..hehe
faiz : memang best..hohoho
Bos : sgt mahal tuh..ehhehe...just fro WSB..ekekeke..
cantik suma gmbr..hehe
i like 2nd pic!!
and the baring2 atas pasir tuh!!
gilew nice nk mati!!..hu3
n last pic tu bha..ketara betul..hu3
missy dian..thnx..hohoho..
kyoo : kan !!.aku suke juga !!.
sgt ketara kan hhoho..malas suda kan....hohohoho
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